Women of Worth

Mission Statement:
Women’s Ministry provides women with a platform to support one another in prayer and grow in godliness as we seek the Lord through His Word.
To support women in developing their gifts and talents to achieve their full potential by working alongside one other.
•We Trust in God: Our faith, trust and hope are in Christ. God’s Word guides our decisions, refreshes us and creates an unshakable faith. Our dependence on God is reflected in our commitment to prayer.
•Create an Extraordinary Impact: We serve an extraordinary God who deserves our all. He allows us to create, produce and share media with His life-changing message.
•We are Passionate, Creative, and Have Fun: Innovative ideas and solutions, individual initiative, and having a good time make our work and lives more interesting.
•Learn, Improve, and Grow: We challenge and stretch ourselves, each other, and the ministry to realize the full potential God has given us.
•In His Strength: It’s not about us.
Scripture: Proverbs 31:25-26 “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.”